First off, welcome to Bristol! I’m Henry and I’m the president of the STA. Together with the rest of this years brilliant committee I’d like to invite you to join us in putting on the many great shows, gigs, charity and other live events we have lined up! January 2015 will mark our exciting return to the Winston Theatre and studio theatre, our home since its creation in the 60s, which has been under refurbishment since last summer.
So whether you’re a seasoned professional or have never touched the dark side of a theatre in your life, we are the society for you! We support all our members to help them develop new skills, while at the same time having a lot of fun! We produce all the technical aspects of the shows we collaborate on, from the design all the way through to execution, in stage management, set building, sound and lighting, with the occasional (planned!) explosion thrown in!
We have a very busy schedule throughout the year, but our biggest events involve working with the many different performing arts societies, from Classical plays to Musicals, Pantomimes to Operas. We kick the year off with The Really Arty SHow (TRASh) from Dramsoc, which is a series of small plays from different decades. It has a huge cast composed mostly of new arrivals and is also your first chance to join in and have fun pulling off our opening number of the year!