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STA Newsletter for week 19/02/2018

Upcoming Vet Panto!

We’re rolling straight into our next show this week – Vet Panto! This Centaur Society performance has just a one week slot so help would be much appreciated, even if you’ve never come to anything before! Just come to the Winston Theatre in the Richmond Building (Students’ Union) today (Monday) from 17:00 to help with the get in.

If you want your friends to see your hard work, they can buy tickets to watch the show from the 22nd-24th February at 19:00 sharp, for more information see their Facebook event here.

Rent is over

Rent’s final shows were on Saturday. Everybody involved should be immensely proud, it was a really great production to work on. Here’s a message from one of the stage managers, Connor Davis:

“Thanks to everyone involved in our production of Rent, including cast, crew and production team, for creating such a brilliant piece of theatre. Everyone had a great time, and the audience loved it, as shown by some great reviews it got! Viva la vie bohème!”


Hosting an event but feeling a little under equipped? Putting on a show but missing that extra pizzazz? Planning a gig but don’t want to be left in the dark? Why not consider dry hires from the Bristol STA? We offer a wide selection of equipment for hire with friendly service, flexible availability, and competitive pricing. Interested? Contact us on [email protected] or visit our website at

That’s all for this week

Here’s a q2q comic which, replaced with the Rent soundtrack, is pretty much what happened in the projection box during the final Rent show.

q2q #228